UPTET 2016 Solved Paper – Math and Science /Social studies

Part 4 Math and Science 60 Questions

91. How will you find creative students in a class 7

(1) By giving mathematical question.

(2) By asking them to read a paragraph from a book.

(3) By asking them to tell new usage of an object.

(4) By asking them to mernorise a big chemical formula.

92. The speed of sound in air at N.T.P. is 332 m/s. If air pressure becomes four

times, then the speed of sound will be

(1) 166 m/s      (2) 332 m/s      (3) 664m/s (4) 1328m/s

93. Two magnetic lines of force

(1) intersect at the neutral point

(2) intersect near North or South Pole

(3) cannot intersect at all

(4) intersect according to the position of magnet

94. For which colour of light the focal length of a lens will be maximum?

(1) Violet (2) Blue        (3) Red (4) Yellow

95. 100 Newton force is applied perpendicularly on the surface of 10 em2, the pressure on that surface will be 

(1) 1 x 10 5 Newton/m2 (2) 10 x 10 5 Newton m 2

(3) 1 x l0 -5  Newton/ m 2 (4) 10 6 Newton/m

96. If the kinetic energy of a body is increased by 0.1%, then increase in its momentum will be

(1) 0.05% (2) 0.1%      (3) 1.0% (4) 10%

97. A force F = (5i+ 3j) Newton displaces a body by (2i — j’) metre.

The work done is

(1) zero (2) 7 Joule       (3) 12 Joule (4) 13 Joule

98. The temperature at which ferrornaetism vanishes and the substance becomes pararnagnetic, is called

(I) inversion temperature           (2) Boyle temperature

(3) Curie temperature               (4) Kelvin temperature

99. Each of the five capacitors shown in the given bridge circuit is of 10 iF connected with IOOV D.C. source. The equivalent capacitance between the points A and B is

(1) 4O.tF (2) 30p.F      (3) 2OpF (4) 10iF

100. Name the process used for purification of white bauxite ore containing no iron oxide as impurity

(I) Bayer’s process       (2) Hall’s process        

(3) Serpek’s process    (4) Hooves electrolytic process

101. Name an acid used for removing ink stains.

(1) Oxalic acid              (3) Formic acid (2) Acetic acid              (4) Malic acid

102. Recently discovered most stable allotropes of Carbon is

(I) C16 (2) C60 (3) C70(4) C56

103. Which among the following is amphoteric oxide?

(I) Sn O2         (2) CaO           (3) SiO, (4) CO2

104. Ant sting contains acid

(1) Ascorbic acid (2) Tartaric acid        (3) Lactic acid (4) Formic acid

105. What is the colour of the precipitate which is formed when aqueous

solutions of Sodium sulphate and Barium chloride are mixed?

(1) Yellow (2) White    (3) Green (4) Orange

106. Which one is least reactive?

(1) Iron (2) Copper (3) Silver (4) Gold

107. Which is not obtained by the destructive distillation of coal?

(I) Coalgas (2) Petroleum (3) Ammonia Liquor (4) Coal tar

108. The main function of phloem in plants is to

(I) Translocate food material (2) Repair the injured parts

(3) Transport water                  (4) Help in transpiration

109. In food chain herbivores are

(I) primary producers                (2) primary consumers 

(3) secondary consumers          (4) decomposers

110. Symbiotic association of algae and fungi is

(1) Funaria       (3) Marchentia              (2) Lichen         (4) Riccia

111. In ficus the pollination is affected by

(1) Insects (2) Air         (3) Water (4) Birds

112. Which is vestigial organ in man?

(1) Pinna muscles (2) Pinna       (3) Ileum (4) Teeth

113. Which organ is not helpful in respiration in mammals?

(1) Ribs            (2) Abdominal muscles (3) Diaphragm  (4) Larynx

114. Thromboplastin required for blood clotting is secreted by

(1) Erythrocytes (2) Platelets     (3) Monocytes (4) Lymphocytes

115. Entamoeba histolytica cause which of the following disease?

(1) Malaria (2) Dysentery         (3) Typhoid (4) Jaundice

116. Disease causing agent is known as

(I) Secretin (2) Prolactin (3) Amylase    (4) Pathogen    

117. While Science teaching many aspects of living things can be seen. One aspect is done at molecular level. It will be the base of the description of life—

(1) Newton’s Law

(2) physical description of the speed of planet

(3) interaction of material energy

(4) relation of the speed of planet

118. Underground animals to be protected in

(1) Terrarium (2) Vivarium (3) Aquarium (4) Zoo

119. The objective of microteaching is

(1) Teaching by using microphone for the benefit of deaf students

(2) To analyse the performance of trainee teacher and suggest feedback

(3) Teaching lessons in micro-parts for better understanding

(4) Micro-manage of students’ behaviour

120. A successful Science teacher is one who

(1) neglects the weaknesses of students

(2) develops inherent capabilities of students

(3) behaves over-friendly in the class

(4) punishes students to correct their mistakes

121. Mode of the given data:

25, 23, 22, 21, 24, 23, 25, 23, 22, 21.

23, 24, 23, 22, 23 is

(1) 23 (2) 22    (3) 21 (4) 24

122. If 2a + 3 b  and 2 n+2 – 3 b+1 = 5

then the value of a and b is

(1) 6,5 (2) 3,2  (3) 8,5 (4) 7,8

123. How many bricks will be required to construct a wall 3 m long, 1.5 m high and 0.4 m thick, if each brick measures 30cm x 15cm x 8cm?

(1) 502 (2) 550            (3) 500 (4) 501           

124.  519×519—81 x8l / 519×519+2x519x81+8lx81 is equal to

(1)73/200         (2)73/200         (3) 100/78        (4) 200/73

125 IF x -1/x = ½ then the value of 4 x2 + 4/ x 2 is

(1) 7     (3) —7 (2) 9     (4) —8

126. Factors of [1- 1/ (a-b)-2]

(1) (l+a—b)(1—a+b)               (2) (1+a—b)(1+a+b)

(3) (l+a—b)(l—a—b)              (4) (l-f-a+b)(1+a+b)

127. H.C.F. of two numbers is 9 and their L.C.M. is 270. If the sum of the numbers

is 99, their difference is equal to           

(1) 18 (2) 15    (3) 12 (4) 9

128. The difference between simple interest and compound interest on certain sum of money for 2 years at 5% per annum is 51, then sum will be

(1) 2l,000 (2) 20,550   (3) ? 21,500 (4) 20,400

129  (1) 3         (2) 32               (3) 33   (4)

130 (1) n/n+1   (2) 1/5n           (3) 1/3n            (4) 1/n

131. If sum of three consecutive multiple of 7 is 777, then least multiple will be

(1) 252 (2) 259            (3) 272 (4) 266           

132. If the perimeter of right-angled isosceles triangle is (4[ + 4) cm, then the length of the hypotenuse is

(1) 4cm (2) 6cm           (3) 8 cm (4) 10 cm

133. Edges of a cuboids are a, b, c,. its volume is V cubic units and its total

surface is S sq. units. Then 

(1) S(a+b+c) (2)  2S/ a+b+c

(3) a++c (4) 2S(a+b+c)

134. If a ± b + c 0, then a4. + b4 + c4 a2b2 + b2c2 + c2a2 is equal to

(1) 4 (2) 2        (3) 1 (4) 16

135. Given Pie-graph shows the cost of construction of a house. If total cost of construction is 15,00,000, the amount spent on labour is

(1) 90,000 (3) ‘ 3,60,000         (2) 2,50,000 (4) 3,75,000

136. If half of a number is equal to 0.07 times of another number, then their ratio will be

(1) 50:7 (2) 5:7 (3) 7:50 (4) 1:14

137. If (29)’ is divided by 28, then remainder will be

(1) 0 (3) 29      (2) 1     (4) 7

138. A bag contains 4 black balls, 6 blue balls, 3 white balls and 5 red balls. One ball is drawn from the bag. Probability that the ball drawn is black or white

(l)j (2) (3)i (4)             15

139. If 0 is the centre of a circle in given x and y is

(1) x—2y=O (2) y—2xO         (3) x+2y=180° (4) x+2y360°

140. The greatest among numbers and is          

(2) JTi  (3) JT   (4) Cannot be determined

141. To introduce the concept of fraction teacher can start with —

(1) to write the fraction in the form a of where b 0

(2) to introduce the fractional part of the things existing in the surrounding.

(3) to recognize the numerator and denominator in different types of fractions.

(4) to find out fraction on number line.

142. ‘From General to Particular’ principle applied in

(1) Deductive method   (2) Inductive method    (3) Synthesis method

(4) Analytical method   

143. Which objective of learning is fulfilled to understand the concept and principles of mathematics?

(1) Skill                        (2) Previous knowledge

(3) Observation            (4’ Percenticm

144. If a:b4:5,b:c6:9,

c : d=15 : 19, then a: b .: c:d is

(1) 8:10:15:19  (2) 10: 11: 15: 19         (3) 8:9:15:19    (4) 19:15:6:8

145. H.C.F.of and is    

(I) (2) 575        (3) (4) 255      

146. If two complementary angles are in the ratio 2: 3, then angles will be

(1) 25° 65° (7) 108° 72°          (3) 36°, 540 (4) 40°, 60°

147. ABCD is a rhombus.

30°, then ZADB is

(1) 30° (2) 120°           (3) 60° (4) 450

148. Difference of two natural numbers is always

(1) an integer    (2) a natural number      (3) a whole number       (4) a positive number

149. One factor of 2×2 — 9x — 26 is

(1) x+1 (2) x+2            (3) x+3 (4) x+4

150. 2 tables and 3 chairs together cost 2,000 whereas 3 tables and 2 chairs together cost 2,500. Then the total cost of 1 table and 5 chairs are

(1) 1,800 (2) 1,700      (3) 1,900 (4) 2,000


91. The distance between the Earth and the Moon is approximately

(1) 484000 kms (2) 384400 kms

(3) 340400 kms (4) 364400 krns

92. Which of the following rivers of India flows through a Rift Valley?

(I) Ganga (2) Narmada (3) Kaveri (4) Krishna

93. ‘Operation Flood’ is related to

(1) Flood Control                     (2) Milk Production

(3) Irrigation Development        (4) Soil COnservation

94. The CORE of the Interior of the Earth is made up of which of the following elements ?

(1) Silica and Aluminium           (2) Silica and Magnesium

(3) Iron and Nickel                   (4) Silica and Iron

95. Which of the following is the lowermost layer of the atmosphere?

(1) Ionosphere (2) Troposphere           

(3) Ozonosphere (4) Stratosphere

96. Lord Macaulay is associated with

(1) Reforms of Army    (2) Abolition of Sati System

(3) English Education    (4) Permanent Settlement

97. The first woman President of the Indian National Congress was

(1) Sucheta Kriplani      (2) Rajkumari Anwit Kaur

(3) Nelli Sengupta         (4) Annie Besant

98. Which period is called as ‘Golden

Age’ in Indian History?

(I) Maurya period         (2) Vedic period

(3) Gupta period           (4) Vardhan period

99. Moti Masjid in the Red Fort at Velhi was built by

(I) Akbar (2) Jahangir   (3) Shahjehan (4) Aurangzeb

100. Which city was founded by Sikaridar Lodi?

(1) Allahabad (2) Secunderabad           (3) Kanpur (4) Agra

101. Who among the following founded the Vikramsila Mahavihara, a great centre

of education?

(1) Dharmapala (2) Gopala       (3) Harsha (4) Baladitya

102. Kalibana is in which State?

(1) Gujarat (2) Punjab (3) Rajasthan (4) Haryana

103. Who established the Ram Krishna Mission?

(1) Dayanand Saraswati            (2) Swami Vivekanand

(3) Raja Ram Mohan Roy         (4) Dadabhai Naoroji

104. Who presided the group which pursuit in the case against the soldiers oTAzad

Hind Fauj?      

(1) Bhulabhai Desai (2) Jawaharlal Nehru (3) Muhammad Mi Jinnah (4) C.R. Das

105. Curved shape bricks are found from which place of Sindhu civilization?

(I) Kalibanga    (2) Lothal         (3) Chanhudaro            (4) Harappa

106. Which States in India implemented Panchayati Raj in 1959 for the first


(I) Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh         (2) Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat

(3) Rajasthan and Bihar                        (4) Tamil Nadu and Kerala

107. Who decides whether a bill is a Money Bill or not

(1) Speaker of the Lok Sabha               (2) The President

(3) The Prime Minister              (4) The Parliamentaiy Select Committee

108. Irrespective of social and economic level, all Indians should have the right to vote.’ Who said this ?

(1) Mahatma Gandhi                 (2) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(3) B.R. Arnbedkar                  (4) Jawaharlal Nehru

109. Constitutional Government stands for

(1) Government according to the conditions of Constitution

(2) Government according to law         

(3) Democratic Government.

(4) All of the above      

110. How many members are nominated by the President in Rajya Sabha?

(1) 2     (2) 10               (3 ) 12              (4)        15

111. Evaluation is related to

(1) the skill development of the students           (2) the achievement of the students

(3) the interest of students                                 (4) the qualities of students

112. Classroom teaching should be

(1) Intense (2) One sided          (3) Interactive (4) Easy

113. Which is most important aid in the teaching of Social Studies?

(I) Lecture (2) Audio-visual      (3) Work-selection (4) Debate

114. The term curriculum in field of education refers to

(I) Methods of teaching             (2) Evaluation process

(3) Overall programme of school           (4) Text-material to be used in the class

115. TLM is not used in Social Studies

(1) Magnetic compass              (2) Globe

(3) Map                                   (4) Napier Strips

116. In which of the following climatic regions are the Eskimos found?

(1) Tundra region                      (2) Equatorial region

(3) Mediterranean region          (4) West European region

117. Who among the following first gave the scheme of ‘Natural region’ of the


(1) Humboldt (2) Hettner          (3) Hartshorne (4) Herbertson

118. ‘World Environmental Day’ is celebrated on

(1) 31 May (2) 21 March         (3) 5 June (4) 11 July

119. River carrying maximum sediment in the world is

(I) Amazon (2) Nile      (3) Brahrnaputra (4) Ganga

120. Which of the following is an example of Extinct Volcano?

(1) Kilirnanjaro (2) Vesuvius     (3) Krakatoa (4) Stramboli

121. Bunchy-top is a disease of

(I) Mango (2) Litchi      (3) Banana (4) Apple

122. Fertigation is related to     

(I) Pollination    (2) Fertilization (3) Hybridization           (4) Water & Fertilizer application

123. Unsuitable fruit for Jern making is

(I) Bael (2) Aonla         (3) Orange (4) Apple

124. How much percent of total soluble solid is found in jelly?

(1) 65 (2) 75    (3) 45 (4) 55   

125. Elements of Painting are

(1) Colour and Tone (2) Texture and Space (3) LineandForm (4) All above

126. Which are opposite colour?

(I) Red-Green (2) Green-Blue (3) Yellow-Red (4) Blue-Violet

127. Who was the grandfather of the Modern Indian Art?

(1) M.Fl-Iussain (2) Avanindra Nath (3) Amrita Shergil (4) Nandlal Bose

128. Select the correct sequence in chronological order:

(1) Pahari School, Mughal School, Bengal School, Company School

(2) Company School, Mughal School, Pahari School, Bengal School

(3) Bengal School, Mughal School,  Company School, Pahari School

(4) Mughal School, Pahari School, Company School, Bengal School

129. Which of the following Books was written by Sharang Dev?

(1) Sangeet Ratnakar    (2) Rag Manjari

(3) Geet Govind           (4) Sangeet Makarand

130. ‘Amad’ word is associated with

(I) Tabla (2) Gayan       (3) Sitar (4) Nritya

131. In which category Raga Peeloo exist?

(1) Shuddha                 (2) Sankeerna

(3) Both(l)&(2) (4) None of the above

132. ‘Whom’s subtitle is wrong?

(1) Wazid Au Shah — Akhtar Piya

(2) Samta Prasad Mishra — Gudai Maharaj

(3) Mahboob Khan — Daras Piya

(4) lnayat Hussain — Pran Piya

133. Which of the following has more calorie in food?

(1) Fat (2) Carbohydrate          (3) Protein (4) Minerals

134. Which of the following work is facilitated by muscle?

(1) To make body smooth and attractive

(2) In the movement of body

(3) Flowing of blood

(4) Allof the above

135. When should people exercise?

(1) After meal   (2) In the night 

(3) Empty stomach in the morning

(4) Whenever get chance

136. Where the brain is situated in human?

(1) Abdomen    (2) Pectoral girdle

(3) In Skull       (4) in mouth cavity

137. When was first Football World Cup held?

(1) 1872 (2) 1873        (3) 1876 (4) 1871

138. For which game Sayed Modi was awarded Indian National Award’ ?

(1) Badminton (2) Volleyball     (3) Football (4) Basket ball

139. How many circles are there in Olympic Flag?

(I) Three (2) Two         (3) Four (4) Five

140. How many players are there in Kabbadi ?

(1) Eight (2) Seven       (3) Nine (4) Twelve.

141. Freedom of speech and expression is not unlimited. It can be restricted on the basis of

(1) threat to national unity and integrity

(2) disobeying of Parliament and Judiciary or their contempt

(3) public order, decency and morality

(4) All the above

142. Which of the following subjects is not enumerated in the State list?

(1) Agriculture  (2) Law & Order

(3) Citizenship              (4) Land & Revenue

143. President can remove Governor on the basis of

(I) Misbehaviour/Misconduct                (2) Incapacity

(3) Violation of Constitution                  (4) Reasons for the removal of Governor have not been

mentioned in the Constitution

144. What is the maximum membership of a State Legislative Assembly?

(1) 400 (2) 500            (3) 450 (4) 550

145. Which of the following rights have been named as ‘the heart and soul’ of Indian

Constitution by Dr. B.R. Arnbedkar?   

(1) Right to Equality      (2) Right to Freedom

(3) Right to Constitutional Remedies

(4) Right to Religious Freedom

146. Sonalika is a variety of which crop?

(1) Maize (2) Barley (3) Wheat (4) Paddy

147. Seed rate of Bajra is

(I) 8kg/ha (3) 12kg/ha

148. Which method of irrigation saves maximum water?

(I) Drip irrigation method          (2) Furrow method

(3) Ring method                        (4) Flood method

149. The first critical stage of wheat is

(1) Heading stage (2) Milking stage       (3) Tillering stage (4) None of these

150. The branch of Soil Science which study the soil in context of plant growth is called as

(1) Ecology      (3) Pedology    (2) Geology (4) Edaphology

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