Check Your Salary After Increase DA 31% – Grade Pay : 4800

अब आप आसानी से अपनी सैलरी सिर्फ Grade Pay की मात्र जानकारी से जुलाई 2021 मे DA 31% बढ़ोतरी के बाद कितनी होगी जान सकते है नीचे पूछी गई सूचना को भरे और Calculate Your Salary पे Click कर जाने (सैलरी इन हैन्ड ) खाते मे कितने आएगी । ——————————————————————————–

Level 8 – Your Grade Pay 4800 Now Fill all deatails in this form and claculate your Salary

Level 8-Grade Pay 4800

➤ Increment in Basic Pay takes place once in a year. An employee whose joining between months January to June, gets increment in the month of January Salary & whose
joining between July to December, gets increment in the month of July Salary.

Current Effective DA Rate = 31%

Dearness Allowance (DA) : For more information –

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